Supercharge your Products by including UX from the Start.

Michael Johnson - Product Thinker
2 min readSep 22, 2022

What are UX Designers?

User experience, also known as UX, is the process of designing products that are easy to use and satisfying to the user.

The primary role of a user experience designer is to focus on how users interact with a product. The design should be based on what the users need from it and what the product can provide.

A UX designer’s goal is to create a design that will not only please its users but also meet their needs.

How can inviting UX early ignite your Product Discovery?

Inviting UX to customer conversations early on can provide a unique perception into the problem(s) that the product needs to solve. The designer’s perspective is important because they are in charge of making sure the user is able to use the product successfully and with delight.

They are also experts in Market Research, and can help you understand how your competitors are solving similar problems, and how your solution can stand out.

UX designers are responsible for creating a user interface that is easy to use and understand. They also help make sure that the design aligns with users’ goals, provides clear feedback, and has sufficient error handling mechanisms in place. If your customers can’t use the solution, your product will very likely be dead in the water.

UX designers can also produce rapid prototypes to validate assumptions made on how your product can/will solve the customers’ problem. This can save you valuable time and money.

How to Invite a UX Designer in Your Product Development Process?

This is the easiest part; Just invite them. UX wants to be included from the beginning. When you first begin the product discovery phase, UX should have a seat right next to you (as well as someone from Engineering).


A lot of companies are looking for ways to improve their user experience and make their products or services more efficient. UX designers can help you identify problems and come up with solutions that will make your product more successful.

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Originally published for Pondering the Product



Michael Johnson - Product Thinker

I’ve been working in Product Management for over a decade. I’d like to share my thoughts with you, in case some of what I’ve learned might be of assistance.